To create a brand identity for the Museum of the Circus through the use of typography.
The Circus in the 21st century, an online brand identity that takes you through the history of the circus.
The Circuseum font
This is where users can explore different acts and genres within the circus. This is educational rather than focusing on famous stories and provides a solid and informative source of how the acts has developed and who made it possible.
The Acrobats explore page changes colours but the basic style of the page stays the same as the Clowns explore page. 
The collections page will contain old art works, posters and photos of the specified genre. Each piece displayed with a caption of the circus and the year it was printed. Photos would be captioned with names, years and the circus. 
An added extra to the website is a wallpaper-a-day application which will provide users with fun and simple backgrounds for their smart phones that will follow the theme of the circus and a similar design style to the Circuseum website.
Circuseum / ISTD 2013

Circuseum / ISTD 2013

The Circus in the 21st century, an online brand identity that takes you through the history of the circus.
